Thursday, August 8, 2019

Month 1- Health and Self-Care

I am less than three months away from my 40th. The first area of my life I want to focus on improving in my search for more happiness is health and self-care. I have tried a lot of diets and I have read a lot of books. While we all are looking for a fast solution, it is very true that a full lifestyle changes is needed to see long lasting results.

Yes I want to lose weight. Yes I want to tone up. Yes I want to eat better. Yes I want a clean bill of health for many years to come. And as mentioned before, I can only hope to enter the next decade looks 25% as good with as much energy as Jennifer Lopez.

My overall goal starting this month is to create habits that last. I want to be the girl that loves to workout. I actually was that girl for a short period of time about 4 years ago. I want to fill my body with good healthy food. I want to take care of my skin. I want to increase my energy and the energy that I give off to others. I want to be my best self for me, my husband, my employees, my friends and my family.

I am committed to doing 100 (yes 100) workouts. This program is through Beachbody but if you want to join me don’t feel like you have to do my exact workouts. Just commit to moving your body every day. You can run, take an exercise class, lift weights, walk with friends, or whatever it is that makes you happy. Or at least happy knowing you did something good for your body.

The coach that I am working with is also doing a 100 day bible study to accompany the workouts. I don’t think I am going to do the exact study that she will be doing but I do plan to something daily.
These workouts are intended to be done in the morning. Here is the thing, I have no problem getting up early but the last time I tried to do morning workouts, it has a reverse effect on my mood for the day. I was flustered all day, I felt like I was rushed and behind. I am going to try to do this in the morning because I do agree that it will ensure that I actually complete the workouts daily and eliminate the excuses for why I can’t work out later in the day. I am, however, going to give myself permission to change my workout time if I feel like it is affecting my mood. After all the entire goal is to find my happiness.

In addition to working out and spending some time with God each morning, I want to focus on my food. I know it won’t be easy and I know it won’t be perfect but, if I can try to make a few more good decisions, plan my meals ahead of time, and drink more water, I know it will help me get on track.

The rest of the month plan is a little more superficial but hey, this is my happiness project. I am getting my hair and nails done. I am stepping up my skin care routine. I hate to spend the money on these things but when I have a fresh color and cut, pretty nails and clear healthy skin, I always feel a bit more happy (and pretty).

Beachbody gave me a fun little book to track my progress. I can’t promise that I will be brave enough to post my progress pictures but I will be posting on my Facebook group “Believing in Happy”

The Be 100 book has a few things for me think about before I get started. So here we go!

The Perfect Morning Routine...How do I envision the perfect morning?

I actually have thought about this before and it looked like this:
·         We (the hubby and I) get up together
·         Take the fur kids outside and get them breakfast
·         We put on workout gear
·         Go for a run
·         Come back and mediate/pray/read the Bible/Journal
·         I take a shower while he reads
·         He takes a shower and I read
·         Finish getting ready
·         Leave for work

Let me tell you all the things wrong with this list. I can’t make other people do things. This means, my husband is not ready for a morning workout routine. Second of all, we are not runners. I want to be but I am not there, yet. I might be able to run out of the driveway but that is about all the further I will be running. Third, we have one bathroom so this schedule doesn’t give either one of us enough mirror time in the morning.

After some thought and reflection my perfect morning now looks like this:
·         Wake up and take care of the fur kids
·         Drink water
·         Fire up my workout
·         Take a shower
·         Drink my amino
·         Bible/Prayer time
·         Finish getting ready
·         Drink my morning shake
·         While I brew some coffee
·         Leave for work

I think is worth pointing out that my nightly routine needs to be in check if I want my morning to run smoothly.  I need to layout my next day’s clothes including workout clothes and my work clothes.  I would need to have my lunch’s packed and ready to grab and the coffee prepared so it just needs turned on.  I also need to hide my cell phone in the morning. I cannot believe how quickly time passes when I think I am just going to scroll through my social media feeds for 5 minutes.

Next Question: What do you think it would feel like and how would it impact the rest of your day?

It would be nice to know that something is already checked off my to do list and my day hasn’t really started yet. I also know that many of the world’s most successful people make working out a priority. Plus bringing God into my day every morning is important to protect my heart and head as I move through the day.

The next two questions on working on building my WHY and removing obstacles before they start. What is the one thing that will keep you committed to completing the 100 workouts? Is there anything slowing you down that you can work through now?

I am going to tackle the obstacles first. I know that it will be easy to say things like, I can miss one day or I will double up tomorrow. I also know that one day turns into 2 days, 3 days, 1 week or even a month. I am also going on two trips in the first 30 days. At the end of August we are going to the beach and then to Chicago. We will gone and not in my normal schedule for over a week.  The good news is I just need my laptop to workout, so having access to what I need should not be an issue. Food is going to be my other struggle. I just need to focus on make good decisions when I can but also allowing myself small treats.

I am also going to use my beach trip as my motivation for the first few weeks. I am currently at my heaviest weight and I know I will be so uncomfortable in my bathing suit. I don’t expect to be back to my 20 year old body in a short time but I do think it will be an improvement and I should gain a little more confidence.

My overall motivation is really for my health.  I want to be the best version of myself. I am always looking for ways to improve but if I don’t have the energy or confidence to propel my life forward, I am not going to get there.  In addition, my family is not very healthy. I see their struggles as they get older and I don’t want to be that way.

There you have it! I have started and I am 10 days in....only 90 to go. 

Monday, July 29, 2019

My search of Happiness

Y’all I am almost 40 years old. I know age is just a number but after seeing Jennifer Lopez celebrate her 50th birthday, I realized I needed to step up my life game. To be clear, I am very much aware that I am no JLo but a girl can dream.

About 9 months ago, right before I turned the big 3-9; I made a very extensive goal list. I planned to make this my best year yet. I wanted to be primed and ready to join the 40 club looking and feeling fabulous. Well I now have 3 months to go and I am not sure I can say with confidence that I have achieved anything on this list. I started a few things but I can't cross anything off. 

Okay, so we did have a major life change, we moved to Canada. If you know me at all (and if you don’t I am about to tell you) I do NOT like change.  I like to think I am open to new fun idea. However that is not the case, I am a rule follower, do what you are supposed to do, and I don’t color outside of the lines. I over think everything which causes me to be do nothing new. That was until January 2019, when my CEO asked me if I wanted to move to Canada and run a company they were about to purchase. I said yes because I didn’t want to let the company down; no turning back now.

The story of our move and that adventure is for another time. The reason I bring it up now is because it is easy to use this moves is the reason why my goals, plans, and dreams have not been pursued.  As they say, ( I don’t know who actually said this first) “If it is important to you, you will find a way.  If not, you will find an excuse”.  I don’t want to make excuses; I want to live a life happiness.
I am reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin for a second time. Full disclosure; at the time of me writing this I have only read a few chapters but that is not going to stop me from attempting my own Happiness Project. In the book she tackles one area of her life each month in order to see if she can improve her overall happiness. Like Gretchen, I am would not describe myself as unhappy but I always feel like there is more to life. I am always seeking the next thing and not really enjoying my life daily. 

Okay, I can hear the critics now, are you really enjoying life daily when you are planning out the next 9-12 months by setting goals and plans. Yes, I do believe that is my road to happiness and a living a fuller life. I understand that my goals and the goals of other will not be the same. I understand that some of my goals might seem superficial or silly to some people but that is the beauty of it, this is my path. Your path to happiness might be different, just like mine will not look exactly like the it does in the book.

For example I don’t have kids, so you might need to focus your attention in that area of your life. The Happiness Project book does have a section about parenting, if you want some more inspirations on how to tackle that area.

Here are some areas of life that I plan to cover:

·         Health and self-care
·         Attitude
·         Money
·         Work
·         Travel and Fun
·         Spiritual/Mindfulness
·         Learning
·         Giving
·         Be adventurous
·         Dream Project

As I move onto a new areas, I will not be leaving the previous month behind. The plan is to do what makes me happy and keep  doing it by add a new idea. I don’t know the exact order that I will be tackling these areas and I am sure some of them will overlap. I don’t know if I will add more or take some away.  I also don’t know if this will take me 9 months or longer but the only way to find out is to get started

First ups is health and self-care in August.  This is an area that I struggle with so I want to tackle this one first, while I am super motivated

Who is with me?

Friday, January 11, 2019

Alexa (yes the one from Amazon)

I did it! I joined the crowd and bought an Echo from Amazon. I was actually someone that was against the idea of the Amazon or Google versions. I just didn't see a need. Then I was at a work lunch and two of my co-workers were talking about the echo and I became instantly hooked.

We went with the Echo Plus and so far it is fantastic. The app needs a little work; it is slow (or I am impatient).  However, you can just talk to Alexia and you don't have to use the app all the time. we debated getting the Echo show but I did not see us using the drop-in feature. No one in our family has one at this time and we hardly every use the face-time feature on our phones.

On my first morning with Alexa. I though I set a morning routine called "start my morning" but to my surprise it started, what I would describe as, a version of the Miracle Morning*. She walks you through most of the LIFE SAVER steps 60 seconds at time. Need more time, just tell her and she will give you more time.

I did set a custom morning routine but I called it "start my day" which included my local weather, a news briefing and tell me something new. I am now sitting here writing this post with relaxing spa music playing in the background.
I did compare the with the Google version. The reason we choose the Echo was because I use Amazon for everything. I do 90% of my shopping there, so it seemed to be a logical connection.

We are excited to learn all the feature.Do you have one of these devices? What features, games, or skills do you love the most?

*If you have not read the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod, I recommend pick up a copy.

Disclaimer: This is not a paid ad or sponsored post. I have no affiliation with Amazon.  I am just excited about my purchase.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Road to 40

I will turn 40 in less that 11 months! Oh my, where has the time gone. I can't complain, my life is pretty great and I am in good health (thankfully). However I am an expert list maker and goal setter. Do I achieved all these goals? Well no, but I do have my fair share of wins. Right before my 39th birthday I made a list of things I want to achieve before I turn 40. The list contains everything that came to my mind.  It is designed to help me stay on track in all areas of my life; family, health, finances, fun, and personal self care.  PLUS I created my travel bucket list for 40 and beyond. I know the travel list will be ever changing but it was fun to dream about all the fun places that my husband and I could travel.

Image result for goals in life

So here is the #roadto40 goal list:

1. Lose 30 lbs (this might be closer to 40lbs by the time Christmas is over). This is more about health than a number on the scale. So the actual pounds lost is not as important as the benefits of being eating right and exercise.
2. Do a weekly face mask. I am a MK girl and I love my charcoal mask but I never seem to make time for this relaxing ritual.
3. Save money. Who doesn't want to see a few extra zeros in their savings account? This is always a new year resolution for the hubby and I; but this past year we spent more than we saved.
4. Be 100% debt free. We are very blessed in this area, we only have a small student loan, car/truck and a house payment that in our debt column.
5. Learn a second language. We have been talking about this for nearly 15 years. It is time to get started.
6. Run a 5K, 10K, and half marathon. I have done a few 5K's in my time but I have not successfully completed them without walking. I know the half is a bit of a stretch for a girl who struggles with 3 miles but it make the goal list, so who knows maybe this will be the year.
7. Do yoga. This has been an on and off again plan for a few years. I am someone who always has my mind racing and if I don't sweat in a workout, I don't feel like I tried hard enough. However, I am been around enough yoga enthusiast to know, it would be beneficial  for me to give it a go a fair shot.
8. Have more girls nights. Once again, I am blessed to married to my best friend. We actually enjoy spend all of our free time together but a girl needs girls time. So I need to make this a priority.
9. Read 40 books by the time I turn 40. So far this the goal that is one track. This might not seem like a lot to read for some and others are thinking "who has time for that" but reading will allow me to turn off the social media and just relax. I am not setting any limitations on what kind of books I read, I will just find something that interest me and read-read-read.
10. Keep up with nails and hair. I love to have my nails done and who doesn't love a fresh hair cut, however I hate sitting there. There is nothing relaxing to me about sitting in a chair for an hour or two (or three if I color my hair) but when you look good you feel good. As superficial as it might sound, I think it is true. If an hour or two every month is what I need to for a little boost of confidence, then I should just do it!
11. Deep clean and de-clutter. I love to have a clean house and I hate clutter. If we don't use it or need it then it must go!  Disclaimer: If I come your house and it messy; I am not judging. My need for clean applies to my home ONLY. When you are kid free, it is much easier to have a clean house.

There you have it! My #roadto40 goals! Maybe I should work on a vision board to keep me focused.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

I am back

Merry Christmas! It has been awhile since I have written anything but I am back....I hope!

Like many of you, life gets crazy and we tend to get caught up in the daily routine of life.  This causes us to loose track of the stuff that makes us truly happy! Currently, I am taking a one week social media break (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Pinterest). I hope this will help me to reset my priorities, make me realize I DO have time to work on my goals and focus on being happy. 

My plan for this year, is to use this space to documentation of my road to 40 ( #roadto40). I have made a lot of goals and plans for the next 11 months and I hope documenting my progress will help me stay on track.

I would love for you to follow along and share your goals, dreams, and plans for 2019 and beyond!

You can also follow along via Instagram @srenner0514 BUT wait until next week, we are on a break!  

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Daily Fun

In a perfect world I would put something fun into every day. As we all know, life does not always work that way, but we sure can try. I am sure you have all read about how showing gratitude everyday makes people happier. I do agree with this practice but I also think it is important to take time out to do something FUN!  I am not suggesting that you abandon your job and head to the beach daily. Just take 5-10 minutes to do something that you enjoy every day; it can really make a difference. Everyone has a different idea of fun but here are somethings I try to do for daily fun.
  • ·         Read a good book or magazine
  • ·         Act silly with my husband. This could be singing off key (that is the only way I sing by the way) or doing some silly dance in the kitchen or living room.
  • ·         Having dinner out with a some wine or a margarita
  • ·         Visiting a winery (which we recently did and you can see photos below)
  • ·         Spending time relaxing outside. This is also why I like visiting wineries!
  • ·         Day dreaming about the future (dream job, vacations, even house remodeling ideas)
  • ·         Snuggling with my fur babies
  • ·         Catching up with a friend you have not seen in awhile
What do you do for daily fun? 

Here is some of the fun that we had this past month......

 The hubby and I went to Aruba with my mom and brother for a week. It was a so beautiful and relaxing. I would recommend putting this on "your places to visit" list.

 My step son graduated from high school. I am not how this possible, we was 4 years old just yesterday.
 My youngest fur baby loves to snuggle. Look at that little sleepy face, I could just look at her all day.
 Last Saturday we went to a local pub and had this gigantic pretzel and samples a few delicious craft beers. 
 After the pub we headed over to a winery in our area. The weather was amazing that day and the view as beautiful. We enjoyed a glass of wine on their patio over looking the lake.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Does Detoxing Work?

Like many women I was looking to lose a few pounds but mostly I was looking to get healthy. The timing was perfect; our office started a biggest loser contest for 12 weeks. I had been eating pretty unhealthy and stopped doing regular workouts, so I figured this could be the push that I needed to get motivated. 

To begin I asked a small group of my work friends to join me in a detox.  I had recently read GOOP CLEAN BEAUTY by the Editors of Goop (you might know this as Gwyneth Paltrow company). The book suggested doing a detox to clean your body. The main goal was to see if you had any “trigger” foods or foods that were actually making feel less than 100%. This detox came with a very strict list of foods to avoid for 10 days but I was up for the challenge. I even started a Facebook group called Mission Slim Possible, to encourage and support those who wanted to join me. 

The first few days of the detox were the hardest but then it became pretty easy to stick to the “rules”.  The hardest part was when we went out to a restaurant. We don’t have a lot of clean eating options in my hometown, so I had a lot of special request when ordering. Yes, I was one of those people!

Some amazing things happened not only to me but also to my co-workers. The one lady I work with had been suffered headaches/migraines almost daily. It was to the point that I suggested she seek medical help, due to the frequency and intensity of these headaches. The detox cured her of these chronic headaches. She learned that her trigger food was peppers (of all things). She rarely experiences headaches now and she lost 10 pounds in 10 days, with no workouts!

Throughout the 10 day detox, I lost about 7.5 pounds. My stomach became less bloated. I also learned that I have a mild sensitivity to gluten and dairy. When I eliminate these foods (or keep them to a minimal) my body and stomach are much happier!  It also gave me more energy and was eager to work out again. The regret/mistake was that I didn’t slowly introduce things back into my diet; as the book suggested. So it was a trial and error after the 10 days to really figure out what was causing my stomach issues. 

Today I am back to eating more normal; with limited dairy and gluten. I try my best to stick to the 80/20 rule; 80% clean and healthy with 20% of freedom to eat guilt free. With that said, I do enjoy pizza from time to time. 

If you like to read about non-toxic alternatives in healthy and beauty product; I would recommend this book. It had some great information, even if a detox is not your thing (but I would encourage you to give it a go).

As for the biggest loser, we have 2 days left until final weigh-ins. So far I have lost 12.5 pounds. My goal was to lose 15 pounds throughout the whole contest but I am not upset with my results. My clothes fit better (even loose) and I feel better. It seems like a win to me!