I will turn 40 in less that 11 months! Oh my, where has the time gone. I can't complain, my life is pretty great and I am in good health (thankfully). However I am an expert list maker and goal setter. Do I achieved all these goals? Well no, but I do have my fair share of wins. Right before my 39th birthday I made a list of things I want to achieve before I turn 40. The list contains everything that came to my mind. It is designed to help me stay on track in all areas of my life; family, health, finances, fun, and personal self care. PLUS I created my travel bucket list for 40 and beyond. I know the travel list will be ever changing but it was fun to dream about all the fun places that my husband and I could travel.
So here is the #roadto40 goal list:
1. Lose 30 lbs (this might be closer to 40lbs by the time Christmas is over). This is more about health than a number on the scale. So the actual pounds lost is not as important as the benefits of being eating right and exercise.
2. Do a weekly face mask. I am a MK girl and I love my charcoal mask but I never seem to make time for this relaxing ritual.
3. Save money. Who doesn't want to see a few extra zeros in their savings account? This is always a new year resolution for the hubby and I; but this past year we spent more than we saved.
4. Be 100% debt free. We are very blessed in this area, we only have a small student loan, car/truck and a house payment that in our debt column.
5. Learn a second language. We have been talking about this for nearly 15 years. It is time to get started.
6. Run a 5K, 10K, and half marathon. I have done a few 5K's in my time but I have not successfully completed them without walking. I know the half is a bit of a stretch for a girl who struggles with 3 miles but it make the goal list, so who knows maybe this will be the year.
7. Do yoga. This has been an on and off again plan for a few years. I am someone who always has my mind racing and if I don't sweat in a workout, I don't feel like I tried hard enough. However, I am been around enough yoga enthusiast to know, it would be beneficial for me to give it a go a fair shot.
8. Have more girls nights. Once again, I am blessed to married to my best friend. We actually enjoy spend all of our free time together but a girl needs girls time. So I need to make this a priority.
9. Read 40 books by the time I turn 40. So far this the goal that is one track. This might not seem like a lot to read for some and others are thinking "who has time for that" but reading will allow me to turn off the social media and just relax. I am not setting any limitations on what kind of books I read, I will just find something that interest me and read-read-read.
10. Keep up with nails and hair. I love to have my nails done and who doesn't love a fresh hair cut, however I hate sitting there. There is nothing relaxing to me about sitting in a chair for an hour or two (or three if I color my hair) but when you look good you feel good. As superficial as it might sound, I think it is true. If an hour or two every month is what I need to for a little boost of confidence, then I should just do it!
11. Deep clean and de-clutter. I love to have a clean house and I hate clutter. If we don't use it or need it then it must go! Disclaimer: If I come your house and it messy; I am not judging. My need for clean applies to my home ONLY. When you are kid free, it is much easier to have a clean house.
There you have it! My #roadto40 goals! Maybe I should work on a vision board to keep me focused.
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